Yesterday, took Irfan to watch "How to train your dragon" at GSC, IOI... first time for Irfan watching at cinema..(alamak.. lupa bawa camera, so terpaksa guna phone to capture this moment.. (little, than none)
Sampai IOI around 2.45pm, show at 3.15pm... so before the show start " dragon belum sampai lagi"... that was the excuse of waiting for the show to start.
Masuk jer dlm cinema, Irfan start tanya soalan2 berkaitan cinema ... not the movie... huhuhu
~ about the seat numbering .. our seat is no.1, papa seat no.2.... refering to the label at the seat ..then no. 8, no. 9 ( characters in the movie called "NINE")
~ the lighting and the speaker on the cinema's wall...
~ and even the carpet... hahaha
Time show dah start, risau jugak Irfan bising ... in which ada time2 yg mmg dia bising asking questions and imitate the character in the show... tapi most of the audiences are the kids with their parents... so mmg ada jer terdengar suara2 kecil during the show...
Dalam malap2 wayang tu...tgh2 show.. suddenly Irfan asked "Mummy, apa ni?..." sambil tangan dia memegang dinding kat sebelah kitaorang... hahaha.... macam3x la anak ku yg sorang ni...
Not sure if Irfan really enjoying the movie... maybe ada certain2 part yg dia suka... not his kind of favourite perhaps.... because, kalau dia suka... definitely he will asked for another show.... luckily, his not ;)
Oppsss... Movie Review:
Orait ler... citer cartoon... jalan citer menarik sebenarnya... inspiring for little people... tapi ikut2kan kurang sesuai dgn kanak2 especially bab the Vikings killing the dragons..the rest - green light. Anyway, as along as the kids can differentiate between cartoon and reality... then should be okay... overall.. I still like...
Kasut Sekolah Pallas Jazz
5 years ago
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