My small semi-D only has 8 feet yard, to avoid future headache, we decided to tile up the small yard that we have. Kalau tak siapalah yg nak jaga rumput2 sekangkang kera tu. Untuk buat kerja2 ni, kitaorg guna contractor yg biasa renovate rumah in-law - P.Rashid & team, kira dah kenal ler... Alhamdullilah, untuk rumah ni kitaorg puas hati ler dgn kerja2 diorng, sebab workmanship ok dan cepat jugakler siap, plus dpt free consultation on other house related matters.
~ the original yard with beootiful bushy grass - side and back yards ~
Untuk tembok, the cost is fully borned by us eventhough there was a suggestion to share the cost with our neighbor. After all, the neighbor's house is rented by foreign's students, thus a bit difficult to liaise with the owner on this matter. Well, the owner is lucky then, have a generous neighbor like us... hahaha.
~ in progress ~
Total cost untuk tembok pagar ni, tiles for our small yard, extended back and side awning... hmmmm... tak sure ler mahal atau murah atau average jer since we don't have any reference... Yang penting team P.Rashid tak memeningkan kepala kitaorg sepanjang projek tembok dan tiles ni berjalan. Hasilnya...
Floor pattern is designed by myself... last minutes nyer design.. at first nak buat simple 3 straight lines with 2 color tiles, then tetiba ntah mimpi apa.. nak tukar plak pattern. Tile dah di order, dah sampai pun, so based on the original design terhasil lah pattern yg kekal kat luar rumahku ini. Draw dekat dlm excel sheet mcm cantik jer pattern ni... tapi... bila dah tertanam kat luar rumah... uwaaaaaa... (nyesal pun ada)... jadi lah abstract pattern.
Moral of the story:
1) no last minutes a.k.a plan first before execute
2) nak buat design untuk rumah gunalah tool yg sesuai (ada ka guna excel ja)
Anyway, lepas ni tanam pokok dalam pasu jer laaa... itupun kalau ada pokok. Now, ada sikit jer tanah kat bahagian depan rumah, tinggalkan untuk irfan main golf... :). Otherwise, nanti kalau nak main golf, asyik kena balik rumah wan jer... sapa susah...
Untuk panduan yg lebih berguna :